Category: Experiential Learning

  • The Rise, Fall, and Re-creation of the Counter-terrorism Simulation (Part 2)

    Part 2: The Re-creation This isn’t a joke!  They are learning!  Aren’t they? Try this. Watch this three-minute video about the Simulation.  Make a note every time someone mentions learning, learning objective, or outcomes for the students. Make another note when someone says something about a feature or a technology we used.  Who wins? “Were the students learning?”…

  • The Rise, Fall, and Re-creation of the Counter-terrorism Simulation (Part 1)

    Sometimes, we get lost in the excitement of technologies. When you’re a hammer, all you see is nails, right?.  It’s like that for us.  Every problem or situation we see can be “improved” with technology. Last year at CALI, I talked a little about this… the “shiny object syndrome” we often develop… looking for places…

  • Introductions are in order

    Hey everyone, my name is Aaron Dewald, and I’ll be the poster for Dec/Jan. I thought I’d take a minute to introduce myself and let you know what I’ll be writing about over the next month or so. About Me I work at the S.J. Quinney College of Law at the University of Utah.  I’m…