Tag: learning science

  • Materials in motion: Exploring the use of animation in learning

    By: Aaron J. Dewald, Originally posted at the Center for Innovation in Legal Education blog A year or so ago, a discussion on Teknoids had started about what defines a video. It was inferred that something needed to move to constitute a video. Do narrated slide shows from Keynote, PowerPoint, etcetera constitute videos? Legal education is going through some interesting changes…

  • Blending the First-Year Legal Classroom

    Introduction to our Contracts Pilot With all the talk about blended learning, flipped classrooms, and the like, we wanted to visualize what that might look like in the legal classroom, but first lets take a peek at a situation that could be a catalyst for blending a legal classroom. The first-year courses are widely taught…

  • Introductions are in order

    Hey everyone, my name is Aaron Dewald, and I’ll be the poster for Dec/Jan. I thought I’d take a minute to introduce myself and let you know what I’ll be writing about over the next month or so. About Me I work at the S.J. Quinney College of Law at the University of Utah.  I’m…